Cancellation Policy
In case of cancellation, the following charges will apply
~5 days to 5 days / 0%
4 days to the day before / 50% of the day
100% on the day of cancellation
(Please note that the rules differ depending on the accommodation reservation site.)
Can I bring my pet to stay?
Basically, pets are not allowed to stay overnight.
Please contact us for details.
Can I stay with my baby?
ご宿泊いただけますが、赤ちゃんの宿泊を想定した設備とはなっておりませんので、ご了承くださいませ。 必要な設備等の有無は、ホームページをご確認いただき、不明な点がございましたらお問い合わせください。 な...
If you want to change the number of people staying after making a reservation
Changes are possible.
Please feel free to contact us to check the status of your reservation and we will get back to you.
All payments are made by credit card in advance.
We do not accept cash transactions.
Please contact us if you are unable to pay by credit card.
How do I make a reservation?
当ホームページ内、ご予約・料金ページからご予約いただけます。 旅行予約サイト各社からご予約いただくよりお安くなっておりますので、ぜひこちらからご予約下さい。 1棟貸切や個室でのご利用など、ご予約の前に...
Is there wi-fi?
Is there wi-fi?
There is a Please feel free to connect and use it.
The password is posted in the facility.
About rental towels
About rental towels
レンタルタオルは大小2種類ご用意がございます。 1F洗面脱衣室にご用意しておりますのでお使いください。 ご利用の際は、以下のURLよりお支払いをお願いします。 サービス・料金 使い終わったタオルは洗面所内の洗濯かごにお戻しください。...
Manners for Bathing
Manners for Bathing
入浴の際は、出入り口にある札を「入浴中」にしてからご入浴下さい。していない場合、他のお客様が知らずに出入りしてしまう可能性がございますのでご注意ください。 入浴後は札を「空室」に戻してください。 ...
Washroom Manners
Washroom Manners
入浴中のお客様がいらっしゃるときは、1Fの洗面所のご利用はご遠慮ください。 2Fにも洗面所がございますのでそちらをご利用ください。 使い終わったら他のお客様が気持ちよくお使いいただけるよう、簡単にお掃除をお願いします。...
About curfew
About curfew
There is no curfew after check-in time, but please be careful not to disturb other guests or neighbors when you go out or enter the room after 9:00 p.m., as the sound is unexpectedly loud at night.
About Noise
About Noise
Please do not make noise after 9:00 p.m. as it may disturb other guests and neighbors.
Guests staying for consecutive nights
Guests staying for consecutive nights
ご宿泊期間が1週間以内の場合やご希望がない場合は室内の清掃・ベッドメイキングは行いません。 1週間以上ご連泊の場合は7日に1回清掃をさせていただきます。 それ以外に清掃をご希望の場合はお申し出ください...
Can I wash it?
Can I wash it?
小型の洗濯機であれば常設しております。乾燥は自然乾燥のみとなっております。 大量の衣服のお洗濯やお洗濯ものの乾燥が必要な場合は、近隣のコインランドリーをご利用ください。 便利マップ 近隣のお店のご紹介...
If I stay for a long period of time, can I have the room cleaned in the middle of my stay?
If I stay for a long period of time, can I have the room cleaned in the middle of my stay?
It is possible if you contact us.
*Additional cleaning fees may apply. Please confirm at the time of request.
Contact us
Reception hours: 9:00-18:00
How is the key handed over?
How is the key handed over?
玄関のカギはテンキーとなっております。 宿泊予定日の4日前に、メールにて記帳フォームをお送りしております。 事前に記帳フォームにご返送いただきますと、玄関のパスキーをお送りします。 当日...
What are the check-in and check-out times?
What are the check-in and check-out times?
チェックインは16:00~20:00 この時間帯以外の到着となる場合は事前にお知らせください。 深夜帯のチェックインはお断りする場合がございますのでご了承お願いします。 チェックアウトは~10:00 チェックアウトは手続きはありません。...
How do I check in?
How do I check in?
宿泊予定日の4日前に、メールにて記帳フォームをお送りしております。 記帳フォームにご返送いただきますと、事前チェックイン完了となります。 当日のチェックインをスムーズに行うためにも、事前の記帳フォーム...
What should I do if I lose my key?
What should I do if I lose my key?
I would like to do a guest house.
I would like to do a guest house.
We give lectures on how to open a business smoothly, run it smartly, and manage it simply.
Please consult with us first.
(*Internships are also available)
Are you recruiting staff?
Are you recruiting staff?
We are looking for staff.
Please contact us.
How do I rent a space?
How do I rent a space?
Please consult with us regarding the purpose of use, number of people, time of day, etc.
Bicycle Rental
Bicycle Rental
レンタサイクルはおりたたみの携帯用自転車1台、ご用意しております。 1Fリビングの名簿にお名前をご記入いただき、以下からお支払いをお願いします。 自転車は玄関にございます。 使い終わったらもとの場所にお戻しください。...
About Parking Lot
About Parking Lot
Parking outside of the designated parking areas may result in penalties. The facility will not be responsible for any damage.
Please contact us in advance if you need a parking space, as it is difficult to locate.
About Windows
About Windows
Windows should be closed when opened.
Free equipment in the facility
Free equipment in the facility
Feel free to use appliances, furniture, etc.
Note that some options are available for a fee.
Please return them to their original positions after use.
About Air Conditioners
About Air Conditioners
Please feel free to use the air conditioner in each room.
However, please be sure to turn off the air conditioner when you leave the room or check out.
Provision of meals
Provision of meals
No food or beverages will be provided, so please prepare your own.
Please feel free to use the condiments in the refrigerator.
Please use the convenient map on our website for nearby restaurants and other facilities.
About Smoking
About Smoking
Smoking is prohibited in the entire building.
Please do not smoke on the street as it is a nuisance to the neighborhood.
We ask that you smoke in your own car.
Can non-guests enter the guest rooms?
Can non-guests enter the guest rooms?
No one other than guests are allowed in the guest rooms.
Can I throw away trash?
Can I throw away trash?
Garbage must be separated and placed in the garbage cans in the living room. See the sign for details.
Please do not bring in garbage from your home or car.
Disruptive behavior
Disruptive behavior
We reserve the right to refuse the use of our facilities and accommodations to any guest who is seen or suspected of disturbing other guests or residents in the neighborhood.
About lost items
About lost items
Lost and found items will be announced on Instagram Stories. (@watausagi_gh)
Lost and found items will be kept for up to 1 month.
Lost and found items can only be mailed with a freight collect slip.
A shipping fee may also be charged.
Lost and found items will be posted on our Instagram Stories.
About taking out equipment
About taking out equipment
Do not remove items from the facility.
Bringing in Hazardous Materials
Bringing in Hazardous Materials
Do not bring hazardous materials or items prohibited by law into our facility.
Eating and drinking in bed
Eating and drinking in bed
Eating and drinking are prohibited in the guest rooms and on the beds.
If you cause stains on the beds or tatami mats, you will be required to pay for the damage.
Please remove your shoes before entering the building.
If you are worried about losing your shoes, please use the locker with a key in the living room on the first floor.
About Valuables
About Valuables
貴重品は1階LDKに鍵付きロッカーがございますのでご自身で管理をお願いしております。 尚、ご宿泊中に万が一所持品の紛失・盗難などがあった場合、当ゲストハウスは責任を負いかねますのであらかじめご承知おき...
Are there any precautions?
Are there any precautions?
たばこ・異臭・匂いの強いものは持ち込み禁止となっています。 施設ご利用後はお客様で常識の範囲内で清掃をお願いします。 室内にてレイアウトを変更された場合には、退室されるまでに必ず元にお戻し下さい。 ...
Can I bring my own food and drink?
Can I bring my own food and drink?
You are free to bring your own prepared foods, take-out items, alcohol, soft drinks, etc.
However, please take all items brought in by customers with you.
What should I do if I break something in my room?
What should I do if I break something in my room?
Please contact us as soon as possible.